Monday, June 29, 2009

Organic Food is Good from a Hamster View

Animals always have better animal instinct to tell which food is good for them. From the experiment carried out by kennethav proved that small animal like hamster can tell organic food is more healthy.

One thing, the hamster is too fat. I think it must have gained too much during the experiment by keep on eating. Time to let it on diet and do more exercise.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Two Little Hammy

Years after my last two hamsters had passed away. Finally, I'm back by adopting 2 normal winter white hamsters. Too bad I don't have camera with me now. I will take some of their photos and update here soon.

Way back to my first hamster pet, I didn't even know there are different hamsters. Then with plenty of internet research and joining forums, I slowly gained my precious knowledge about hamsters.

Here a quick update in case you don't know there are a few types of hamster we normally found in the pet shops.
1. Syrian Hamsters

2. Winter White Russian Dwarf Hamsters \ Campbell Russian Dwarf Hamsters

3. Roborovski Hamsters